Amazing First Lines Of Novels

Amazing First Lines Of Novels

"It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn’t know what I was doing in New York.”

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


"This is my favourite book in all the world, though I have never read it.”

The Princess Bride by William Goldman


"Sam Vimes sighed when he heard the scream, but he finished shaving before he did anything about it.”

Night Watch by Terry Pratchett


"The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.”

The Secret History by Donna Tartt


"My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.”

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold


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“If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.”

The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger


"Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.”

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez


"The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams


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