How to Describe Forests in Your Writing

How to Describe Forests in Your Writing

Pin or save this post for reference next time you're writing a forest. You can pull from these sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch sensations to add texture to your forest descriptions. 


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  • Wildflowers
  • Ferns
  • Hunting traps
  • Berries
  • Animal tracks
  • Spiderwebs
  • Mushrooms
  • Clearings
  • Paths
  • Dens/burrows
  • Birds nests
  • Abandoned campfire
  • Hollowed-out trees
  • Rising mist
  • Bracket fungi
  • Acorn shells
  • Moss
  • Lichen
  • Fallen logs
  • Gnarled branches
  • Tree stumps
  • Birds
  • Deer
  • Streams
  • Dewdrops on leaves
  • Squirrels
  • Fallen pine needles
  • Foxes
  • Rabbits
  • Patches of sunlight
  • Snails
  • Animal footprints



  • Smoky campfire
  • Wet mud
  • Warm, dry earth
  • Wildflowers
  • Decaying logs
  • Maple sap
  • Freshly turned soil
  • Ripe blackberries
  • Wild garlic
  • Decaying fruit
  • Hot springs / sulphur
  • Wild rosemary
  • Rotting leaf pile
  • Honey of beehive?
  • Cooked meat (fire)
  • Resinous pine
  • Wild strawberries
  • Wet rocks
  • Fresh rain
  • Sagebrush
  • Wood sorrel
  • Sweet chestnut
  • Pollen
  • Sun-warmed bark




  • Rustling leaves
  • Trickling water
  • Distant birdsong
  • Hooting owl
  • Crunching footfall
  • Snapping twigs
  • Buzzing insects
  • Wind rustling trees
  • Pattering rain
  • Hawk screech
  • Wasp/bee buzzing
  • Howl of wind
  • Gurgle of stream
  • Crisp leaves underfoot
  • Rustle of birds in nest
  • Scampering animal
  • Crackling fire
  • Gurgling stream
  • Distant wolf howls
  • Barking fox


  • Tart wild berries
  • Nuts
  • Cooked mushrooms
  • Cold stream water
  • Hunted animals
  • Foraged eggs


  • Soft moss
  • Rough bark
  • Smooth stone
  • Prickly pine needles
  • Cool breeze
  • Warm sunlight
  • Damp earth
  • Spongy ferns underfoot
  • Sharp twigs
  • Wet leaves
  • Crisp air
  • Sticky sap
  • Furry moss
  • Velvety petals
  • Slippery mud
  • Sharp thorns
  • Wiry roots
  • Rustling leaves
  • Tender grass
  • Cool shade
  • Tangled vines
  • Prickly brambles
  • Wet moss
  • Crunching acorns
  • Gentle raindrops
  • Bristly pinecones
  • Soft fur
  • Snail slime
  • Dewy grass
  • Jagged, sharp stones


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