Writing Guides

Villain Backstory Ideas
What makes a villain unforgettable? It's the why. And that's where the backstory comes in.
Villain Backstory Ideas
What makes a villain unforgettable? It's the why. And that's where the backstory comes in.

Ultimate Guide to Blurb Writing (ft. Jessie Cun...
The formula all great blurbs use, with annotated examples.
Ultimate Guide to Blurb Writing (ft. Jessie Cun...
The formula all great blurbs use, with annotated examples.

Predicting ACOTAR Before Reading It
As someone who's only mildly aware what these books are about, I thought it’d be fun to make some predictions.
Predicting ACOTAR Before Reading It
As someone who's only mildly aware what these books are about, I thought it’d be fun to make some predictions.

Writing Contest Tips
I've also brought on a writing contest organiser (November Brown of Writes of November) to help me out.
Writing Contest Tips
I've also brought on a writing contest organiser (November Brown of Writes of November) to help me out.

Confessions of a Writing Contest Judge
I read the first pages of 200 novels. Here are the cliches, red flags and great techniques I saw.
Confessions of a Writing Contest Judge
I read the first pages of 200 novels. Here are the cliches, red flags and great techniques I saw.