50 Ways to Off Your Characters

50 Ways to Off Your Characters

You want to end one of your fictional character's lives. But how? I've got 50 ideas for you. You slip a knife in the back, Jack, bake yourself in a flan, Stan, etc. Whatever Paul Simon said.

Please have some caution when consuming this post. This is a resource for fiction writers.


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  1. Poison
  2. Battle wounds
  3. Sickness
  4. Lack of food
  5. Rock cascade
  6. Fire
  7. Deprived of water
  8. Hypothermia
  9. Mugging gone wrong.
  10. Heatstroke
  11. Drowning
  12. Self-sacrifice
  13. Crash (car, plane)
  14. Lack of air
  15. Losing a duel
  16. Wild animal
  17. Infected animal bite
  18. Explosion
  19. Heart failure
  20. Electrocution
  21. Allergic reaction
  22. Blood loss
  23. Freezing
  24. Guillotine
  25. Brakes cut
  26. Caught in crossfire
  27. Poisonous plant
  28. Buried alive
  29. Stampede
  30. Deadly genetic mutation
  31. Crushed
  32. Burned as witch
  33. Alcohol poisoning
  34. Train derailment
  35. Collapsing roof
  36. Animal trap
  37. Human sacrifice
  38. Smoke inhalation
  39. Lethal sting
  40. Factory accident
  41. Heat exposure
  42. Impaled
  43. Slip and fall
  44. Pushed from balcony
  45. Falling through ice
  46. Cave-in
  47. Shipwreck
  48. Fall off horse
  49. Nuclear meltdown
  50. Old age

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